---------------- Letter Rally 1.0 for Windows ---------------- Concept and Programming : Gilles Bergeron Graphics and Design : Gilles Bergeron and Thierry Frankel Date of issue : January 17, 1998 Email : gilles@nrj.qc.ca URL : http://www.nrj.qc.ca/nrj/lr/index.htm System requirements ------------------- 80386 processor or faster Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 A 256 color, 640 x 480 monitor 8 Mb RAM 4 Mb of hard drive space. How to play ----------- LETTER RALLY is a collection of 30 word & logic puzzles. To complete the rally, you must find the names of 30 world capitals by playing around with letters. Figuring how to play each puzzle is part of the challenge, so you will not be given detailed instructions. Most capitals are well known, but some knowledge in geography can help, as well as the world map in the main screen. Every puzzle solved will provide you with a letter, taken from the name of the capital. Keep it, just in case you encounter a final puzzle... You can play a puzzle as often as you like, but you will not have to solve a puzzle more than once, since your progress in the game will be saved automatically. Game A is opened automatically at launch, but you can start new games (B, C, ...) and keep up to 6 games with different levels of progression. How to register --------------- LETTER RALLY is shareware and costs $15 (US) or $20 (CAN). An unregistered game will only allow you to play the first five puzzles. To enjoy all the puzzles and play the full game, you will have to register and get a personal password. Registering LETTER RALLY is easy: You can pay ... ... by sending a check or money order to : Gilles Bergeron 262 Achin, Saint-Lambert (Quebec) Canada J4R 2V1 ... by credit card, or by check in a foreign currency with Kagi Software : http://www.kagi.com As soon as we receive your payment, we will send you your personal password via email (very fast) or postal mail (5 to 10 days, depending on where in the world you live). Include your email address and/or your postal address with your payment. To contact the authors ---------------------- Feel free to contact the authors to report bugs, if you desperately need help in the puzzles, or for any other comments: Gilles Bergeron gilles@nrj.qc.ca At this very moment, we are probably working at new puzzles and new games. Let us know what you think of LETTER RALLY, or if you want to know about new products. Thank you for supporting shareware, and ... have fun ! © Copyright 1998, Gilles Bergeron. All rights reserved.